- Characteristics of water rollerSource: By:wl-inflatable Posted:06-13-2015 Views:
Water roller sells well in summer marekt. It is a very popular games which both kids and adults love it very much. Below are some advantages of our inflatable water roller.
1. Easy manner: The outside layer will be subjected to stree evenly by designing two -layers inflated structure. Player can be at home inside the roller.
2. Fitness: Player can walk inside the roller when playing, so they should use up energy through overcoming resistance from water. It will build their healthy body during such amusement.
3. Environement-protection: It was made of a high-strength resilient synthetic material named TPU, which is in high durability, stretching resistance, not very easy to broke. No posion, no taste, can bring more fun for player now and then. - See more at: