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Inflatable knowledges about bouncersSource:     By:wl-inflatable    Posted:01-24-2015    Views:

Cleaning inflatable bouncers


Inflatable bouncers are a fun addition to children's parties, or households with active children. Inflatable bouncers are available for purchase or rent from many locations, and provide a fun addition to a party or just a day of fun in the yard. These large inflatable structures allow children and adults to enter the bouncer and jump, twist and play in the unit. Since germs are constantly in contact with the inflatable bouncers, it is important to know how to clean them.




1 Fill a cleaning bucket with warm water and disinfectant cleaner. Mix the water and cleaning ratios using the recommended amount on the bottle of disinfectant.
2 Unplug the unit before cleaning.
3 Dip a sponge in the bucket and begin wiping over the inflatable bouncers. Do not use scrub brushes or other harsh cleaning tools, as this will scratch and tear the surface of the inflatable bouncers.
4 Continue until you thoroughly clean the entire unit.
5 Rinse the disinfectant cleaning solution off of the bouncers with the garden hose, and allow to fully air dry. Completing this cleaning procedure on a warm, sunny day will speed up the drying process.


Inflatable bouncer maintenance and repair methods

 1. To keep the product cleanly, wipe with water regularly.
 2. To keep the product drily. Water-proof, mainly to protect the stitching drily. In the rainy or wet weather.
 3. Glued conditions: A. Air drying, B, the temperature above at 20 degrees.
 4. Glue bonding method: A, To make the PVC repairing materials and the repaired materials clean and dry, B, Apply the glue on both parts evently and thin. C.when the glue become cold and white. press them together powerfully.
5.The stitching should be sewn firmly. once this the stitching break. it should be restitching again in time.
6.If the needle hole become big. The hole should be repaird to make it smaller in time.
7.If the toy have been using for a long time. some place was broken. it should be sew firstly and then use the glue to attached it.
8. Blower usage and maintenance method, please refer to the blower instruction

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