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How to choose toys for kidsSource:     By:wl-inflatable    Posted:12-30-2013    Views:

Toys are indispensable in the process of kids’ growth, however, there are a number of dangerous children toys, which will be killers of children’s health. Facing with overwhelming promotional toys, how can parents choose right toys for their children?


1. Safety is always first

Safety is bottom line of toy selection and use. Due to kids’limited cognitive level, adults should consider sufficiently toys’safely when buying toys, and chiildren should not completely out of sight of adults when they playing with toys.

Of course, to pay too much attention to safety of toys will prevent toys’other functions. For example, some qualified electric or automatic toys are safe, but they limit children’s exploring space. If children always play with such toys, their curiosity and exploring desire will not be met. Therefore, moms and dads should also consider the potential development value of toys if the toys are qualified.

2. Toy is not equal to gameplay

Fun is basic condition for toys to attract kids’interest.It’s very easy for parents to grasp the characteristics of toys based on their children’s natural interest. However, parents should ignore the adverse effects of some unhealthy toys for baby .

For example, some children like fresh and exciting horrorible toys: skull grimace in pain, bloody zombies, exaggerated centipedes and cockroaches,etc.These things can scare timid mom. When seeing their toys scare adults, children can not help laughing, and think he is very brave. In fact, it is not respectful for others’lives and safety to tease others and build their pleasure on other people’s anxiety and pain.

3. Educational toys for children

Some Moms are anxious for their childre’s growths, and they like to buy their kids toys intellectual development. In fact, toys’ intellectual connotation may exceed children’s status of development, which may led to children’s uninteresting feeling. Instead this way, it is better not to hurt intimate relationship between children and toys. Play on instructions may not be appropriate to development levelof their kids, and adult should respect children’s invention play. Parents should let kids build feelings, interests and operation ability for toys, and then operate recommended play after children’s mental development matches with toys.

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